Mr Gera offers circumcision for male babies upto 12 weeks of age with local anaesthesia by ultrasound guided nerve block.


Circumcision is performed after administering pain relief with local anaesthetic. Dr Gera uses ultrasound guided local anaesthetic block for precise and effective action. Circumcision can be performed with Laser to minimise bleeding.

Risks of the Procedure

Bleeding: There is minimal risk of bleeding with the procedure, mostly bleeding is stopped by putting pressure dressing however rarely requires sutures.

Infection: There is 1 in 4000 chance of infection requiring Intravenous antibiotics, usually the healing scab / exudate can look like local infection, but it is part of healing mechanism

Serious complications like Loss of Penis/Injury to urethra/mutilation are very rare events and are almost unheard.

Bleeding disorder; kindly inform if there is family history of bleeding disorders as the child will require pre-operative treatment.

Points to consider regarding Newborn Circumcision

  • Newborn circumcision is a generally safe procedure if it is done under proper circumstances.
  • Circumcision should be done by a trained, experienced practitioner.
  • Circumcision should not be done if an infant is sick or in unstable health.
  • A premature infant should not have circumcision until the baby meets the criteria to be discharged from the hospital.
  • Infants with genital anomalies (including hypospadias) should not be circumcised.
  • Babies with a family history of bleeding should not be circumcised until tests are done to make sure the child does not have a bleeding problem.
  • Local analgesia should be given to reduce the pain associated with the procedure.
  • Care of the infant after circumcision is simple and generally well tolerated

Post-Operative Care after Laser Circumcision

Following completion of the circumcision, gauge dressing will be applied. On day 1 after circumcision, you can soak and remove the dressing, kindly do not pull on the dressing and let it fall off. After removal of dressing you can bath the child in warm water and it is recommended that the area be cleaned several times a day with warm water.

  • At each diaper change, you can apply a small amount of unscented petroleum jelly/paraffin,
  • It may take up to seven to 10 days for the area to heal.

After the region has healed, no further care is required except for normal hygiene.

Kindly call Mr.Gera on provided numbers if there is excessive bleeding / concern with regards to infection, or you have any concern regarding general condition of the child or for non-urgent concerns you can call Perth Paediatrics on 08 61621615 or email :

In an event of emergency, you can bring the child to Emergency Department at Princess Margaret Hospital, Subiaco.